Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Members!

"Cats of Willowclan! We have several new members!" Rosestar yowled, her voice bouncing around the camp.

"First we have Cloverpool! Our deputy!" She smiled at her deputy, hoping her clan would like her new deputy more than the last one. If something bad happened.... She couldnt bear to think about it.

"We also have a new medicine cat, Icedream! I trust she will fit in just well!" She purred happily.

"Then two warriors! Swiftlight, and Yellowbee!" She nodded down to the black and white she-cat who was sitting tall, very proud beside the pale ginger tabby she-cat.

"Finally, we have three apprentices! Smokepaw, Coldpaw, and Tabbypaw! Smokepaw's mentor will be Cloverpool! Coldpaw's mentor will be Swiftlight! I will mentor Tabbypaw!" She smiled as she touched noses with Tabbypaw, Smokepaw doing the same with his mentor, as well as Coldpaw.

"I trust that is all!"

**PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Advertize this clan on others!



  1. Coldpaw looked shyly at his new mentor.

    Yellowbee smiled at her little brother and flicked him with her tail. She dipped her head to Rosestar.

  2. (great it happened again.)

    She smiled at Yellowbee. "Hello Yellowbee. How is Coldpaw coming along?"


  3. She smiled at her apprentice nicely. Her green eyes bright.

  4. Yellowbee smiled back at her. "It may take him a while to settle in. He's quite shy you see and doesn't make friends easily" She sighed, looking at her brother.

  5. She padded to Smokepaw. "Get some rest and then we will start training okay?" She flicked her ears.

  6. She blinked, glancing at Tabbypaw. "I think he will make some very soon. We are family in WillowClan." She smiled happily.


  7. Smokepaw nodded. "Okay.." He sighed. He really wanted to go into the forest badly.


  8. "When your ready come and get me and we will go hunting." She stood and padded to Rosestar and Yellowbee.

  9. Smokepaw sighed. Im ready right now!! He padded over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a thrush.


  10. Rosestar looked up to see Cloverpool. She nodded slightly. "Hi Cloverpool. Where is Smokepaw?"


  11. "I told him to rest a while and then come get me when he is ready to hunt." She dipped her head to her leader and then sat down.

  12. She nodded. "Alright, take another warrior with you when you go. I have scented fox near here."


  13. "Okay. Thanks for the warning. Is there anyone specific you would like me to take?" She tilted her head.

  14. "No, I would of named them. You may choose who you like." She sighed, knowing her clan had hardly any members.


  15. She nodded. "Just making sure." She purred. She was determined to be the best deputy this clan had ever had. "Than I will take..." She scanned the clearing for a moment. "I will take Mysticrose." She concluded and licked her paw.

  16. She nodded to her deputy. "Okay, I will go tell her." She padded off to Mysticrose.


    He ran over, just as Mysticrose did. "Im ready!" Smokepaw smiled, looking at Mysticrose. "Who is she?"


  17. Yellowbee smiled at Tabbypaw. "I hope so" She sighed, "Our mother died whilst giving birth to him. He feels like he was responsable." She sighed, squeezing her eyes shut in torment.

    Coldpaw blinked at Tabbypaw. "Hello" He said quietly. She's talking to me....everyone usually ignores me... He thought to himself.

  18. She turned to her apprentice. "That's Mysticrose, shes going hunting with us." She smiled at Smokepaw.

  19. Smokepaw nodded. "Ohhhh okay." He smiled at Mysticrose, trying to be as friendly as possible.

